About Us

Tom was invited by John Watson to beta-test Clinkscale Online when it went public in 2011 and has been involved ever since. After serving twenty years as Senior Piano Technician at San Francisco State University, Tom shifted his focus to early keyboard instruments. 
Tom Winter: WinterEarlyPianos.com 

Michele joined the Clinkscale Online team in 2011. With John Watson and others, she serves on the board of MIRCAT (Musical Instrument Research Catalog), a not-for-profit organization that supports selected free online digital archives and databases related to historical musical instruments.

Carolyn joined the team in 2022. Her experience includes work as a senior editor for The Grove Dictionary of American Music, focusing on instruments and their makers, and service in various capacities for AMIS (American Musical Instrument Society), including several terms as Secretary and one as President. 

John worked with Martha Clinkscale to publish her database of early pianos on the internet in 2010 and served as principal site designer and administrator until 2021 when he moved on to develop a sister site, Boalch-Mould Online. John is retired conservator and curator of musical instruments at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and continues to provide technical support to Clinkscale Online.