Glass rod piano / child’s piano
Grand / combined with harpsichord
Grand / combined with organ
Grand / combined with organ / reed organ
Grand / converted from harpsichord
Grand / converted to harpsichord
Grand / miniature
Grand / portable
Grand / tangent (Tangentenflügel)
Grand / tangent (Tangentenflügel) / combined with harpsichord
Grand / tangent (Tangentenflügel) / converted from harpsichord
Grand / transposing
Grand / transverse
Grand / transverse / cocked hat
Grand / transverse / converted from spinet harpsichord
Grand / transverse / Querflügel
Grand / with pedalboard
Piano within furniture / cabinet
Piano within furniture / chest of drawers
Piano within furniture / desk
Piano within furniture / secretary desk
Piano within furniture / sofa table
Piano within furniture / table
Piano within furniture / table / demilune
Piano within furniture / work box (sewing box)
Square / Albion square
Square / Clavecin Royal (Clavecin roïal)
Square / Coelestin d'Amour
Square / combined with organ
Square / combined with organ / bottle organ
Square / combined with organ / pipe organ
Square / combined with organ / reed organ
Square / combined with organ / reed organ / Aeolian
Square / converted from clavichord or spinet
Square / converted to clavichord
Square / converted to desk
Square / converted to spinet harpsichord
Square / converted to table
Square / enharmonic
Square / hammered clavichord
Square / harp-shaped
Square / harp-shaped / pantalon
Square / harp-shaped / transposing
Square / miniature
Square / pantalon
Square / portable
Square / small
Square / small / child's piano
Square / small / conductor's piano
Square / square grand
Square / tangent
Square / tangent / combined with organ
Square / transposing
Square / with pedalboard
Unknown / combined with organ
Unknown / portable
Unknown / with pedalboard
Upright / barrel piano
Upright / cabinet
Upright / cabinet / child's piano
Upright / cabinet / transposing
Upright / cabinet / with player mechanism
Upright / child's piano
Upright / combined with organ
Upright / combined with organ / reed organ
Upright / converted to desk
Upright / Ditanaklasis
Upright / dog kennel
Upright / dog kennel / transposing
Upright / double giraffe
Upright / giraffe
Upright / giraffe / combined with organ
Upright / half pyramid
Upright / harp piano
Upright / harp piano / Claviharp
Upright / harp piano / Euphonicon
Upright / Lyrachord
Upright / Lyraflügel
Upright / portable
Upright / pyramid
Upright / pyramid / combined with organ
Upright / pyramid / combined with organ / reed organ
Upright / pyramid / combined with organ / reed organ / Aeolian
Upright / recumbent giraffe
Upright / ship’s piano
Upright / Sirenion
Upright / small
Upright / tangent (Aufrechter Tangentenflügel)
Upright / transposing
Upright / two keyboards
Upright / upright grand
Upright / upright grand / combined with organ / pipe organ
Upright / upright square
Upright / with pedalboard
Upright / with player mechanism